Filippo Lipparini
Associate Professor, University of Pisa; Algorithms Focus Area Team Member, SQMS
Areas of Expertise: Quantum Chemistry, Computational Science
Thrust: Science
Filippo Lipparini earned his Ph.D. in chemistry in 2013 from Scuola Normale Superiore. From 2013 to May 2014, he has worked as a postdoc in the applied math and theoretical chemistry department (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions and Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique) at UPMC Paris 06, Paris, and then at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, as an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow, in the group of Jürgen Gauss. Since 2017, he’s been at the University of Pisa, as an assistant professor (until November 2021) and now as an associate professor of physical chemistry.
Filippo’s research focuses on the development of fast algorithms and numerical implementations in the field of multiscale polarizable simulation and of quantum electronic structure theory. In particular, he works on methods to describe strongly correlated systems (CASSCF); such a method requires one to diagonalize the molecular Hamiltonian in the Hilbert subspace (Full CI) generated by all Slater determinant obtained by distributing N active electrons in M molecular orbitals. The exponential scaling in computational cost of such a step makes the use of a quantum computer as an accelerator for multireference calculations particularly attractive. Filippo’s research in SQMS involves the benchmarking of quantum computers against classical computers to assess their performance and accuracy in the Full CI step required by CASSCF calculations.