SQMS Center

Nathan Shammah

Nathan Shammah

Nathan Shammah

Chief Technology Officer, Unitary Fund; Ecosystem Taskforce Team Member, Unitary Fund Institutional PI, SQMS

Areas of Expertise: Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Computing, Ecosystem, Workforce Development, Quantum Devices, AMO Physics

Thrust: Ecosystem

Nathan Shammah is the Chief Technology Officer of Unitary Fund, a non-profit organization that performs in-house research in quantum tech and supports open-source software projects. At Unitary Fund, he leads the technical staff (Unitary Labs), which performs research in quantum computing developing open source software. Unitary Labs’ two main projects are Mitiq, a Python quantum error mitigation toolkit, and Metriq, a platform for the community-driven benchmarking of quantum computing systems. Within SQMS, he helps the Ecosystem Taskforce engage with the wider quantum information science ecosystem thanks to experience in open source quantum computing and its community, fast grants, workforce development, science and tech-transfer policy.