Nithin Raveendran
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona; Algorithms Focus Area Team Member, SQMS
Areas of Expertise: Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication
Thrust: Technology
Nithin Raveendran is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson. His current area of research is on quantum computation and communication, with a focus on quantum error correction. developing improved quantum error correction codes and best-performing iterative decoders. He earned his Ph.D. on the topic of trapping sets of classical and quantum low-density parity-check codes at the University of Arizona. At SQMS, as a team member of the algorithms focus area, he works on quantum error correction codes and inference algorithms with Dr. Bane Vasić. Recent journal and conference publications can be accessed on Google Scholar.